Choose a site:
Allotment Site: Admirals Way 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues 76 Issues
ID: | Issue: | Reported: | Scheduled: | Completed: |
#2407 | AW - Lock Issue | 5/12/2022 | 6/12/2022 | - |
#2401 | ALL SITES - change the gate code lock numbers | 19/10/2022 | - | - |
#2395 | ALL SITES - Switch the water off at all sites 1st Nov 2022 | 18/10/2022 | - | - |
#2269 | AW- main fence has been cut near plot 9 either side of the concrete post needs repair | 25/4/2022 | - | - |
#2264 | AW- removal of fallen down shed near plot 12 that doesnt belong to anyone | 16/3/2022 | - | - |
#2263 | AW- CW - main back boundary fence line trim o/hang trees and remove iviy/brambles | 16/6/2021 | - | - |
#2255 | AW- stiff lock needs looking at by locksmith | 8/3/2022 | 27/3/2022 | - |
#2242 | AW- Clear broken greenhouse glass away plot 4 | 1/3/2022 | - | - |
#2241 | AW- remove the rubbish near plot 2,3,4,5 and 6 | 1/3/2022 | - | - |
#2229 | AW- Clear rubbish dumped near plot 3 & 6 and toilet area | 31/1/2022 | - | 16/2/2022 |
#2099 | AW- broken glass dumped on site | 22/3/2021 | - | - |
#2090 | AW- replace broken lock | 21/12/2020 | 22/12/2020 | - |
#2034 | AW- repair damaged mains water pipe | 26/5/2020 | 28/5/2020 | - |
#1988 | ALL SITES - Water switch on | 25/3/2020 | - | - |
#1939 | AW - cover and clear plot 4 | 13/1/2020 | - | - |
#1882 | AW - Eviction clear and cover | 5/12/2019 | - | - |
#1858 | COVERINGS & PEGS / FOR ALL SITES | 14/11/2019 | - | - |
#1850 | Aw Turn off ater supply | 27/10/2019 | - | - |
#1841 | All Sites - turn off water end of October 2019 | 22/10/2019 | 31/10/2019 | - |
#1819 | AW 13 | 20/9/2019 | 27/9/2019 | - |
#1816 | AW - Rubbish clearnece plot 23 | 5/9/2019 | 12/9/2019 | - |
#1799 | temporary cover on plot 8 & 17 | 17/7/2019 | - | - |
#1739 | AW- Please strim pathways and main fence line | 29/4/2019 | - | - |
#1729 | Covering and Pegs | - | - | |
#1634 | AW- Lock is getting stuck on opening | 5/12/2018 | - | - |
#1625 | AW BL CW MR OWR TD VR - Turn of water supply at all allotment sites | 5/11/2018 | - | - |
#1624 | AW BL CW MR TD OWR VR - Change Key Code at ALL SITES 7/11/2018 | 31/10/2018 | - | - |
#1534 | AW- Supplied and Replaced broken lock | 26/3/2018 | - | - |
#1533 | AW- Supply and Replace broken lock | 6/3/2018 | - | - |
#1511 | Admirals Way turn on water | 3/4/2018 | - | - |
#1440 | AW22 - Old covering to be removed, edges trimmed and new covering put on | 2/6/2017 | - | - |
#1439 | AW19 - Trim & recover with new covering | 2/6/2017 | - | - |
#1438 | AW10B - remove old covering - replace with new covering | 2/6/2017 | - | - |
#1437 | AW10A - Remove & dispose of covering | 2/6/2017 | - | - |
#1436 | AW - Hedge line/Trees | 2/6/2017 | - | - |
#1435 | AW - 5 Additional links to be inserting into the chain | 2/6/2017 | - | - |
#1429 | AW3, VR30C, VR44B, VR16B - Clear | 8/5/2017 | - | - |
#1424 | AW3 - Clear the rubbish away that has been removed from this plot | 4/5/2017 | - | - |
#1410 | AW - Switching on water for 2017 | 15/3/2017 | - | - |
#1409 | AW Plot 7 - evidence of rats | 14/3/2017 | - | - |
#1406 | AW10b | 28/2/2017 | - | - |
#1405 | AW10a - remove damaged covering - replace with new | 28/2/2017 | - | - |
#1305 | AW 3 - Clear & Cover | 18/8/2016 | - | - |
#1289 | AW - Remove hedge from boundary fence | 21/6/2016 | - | - |
#1260 | AW 18 - removal of rubbish due to storm damage | 1/4/2016 | - | - |
#1259 | AD - Plot 12 - removal of shed broken in storm | 1/4/2016 | - | - |
#1250 | AD - Switching back on water | 1/4/2016 | - | - |
#1190 | AD Plot 13 - Needs covering | 9/2/2016 | - | - |
#1160 | AW 13 - strim & cover | 19/11/2015 | - | - |
#1158 | AW - Switching off the water for winter | 1/11/2015 | - | 19/11/2015 |
#1144 | AD Plot 19 - strim & cover | 22/10/2015 | - | - |
#1143 | AD Plot 16 - strim & cover | 22/10/2015 | - | - |
#1142 | AD Plot 5 - re-cover (covers come off) | 22/10/2015 | - | - |
#1141 | AD Plot 4 - to be strimmed & covered | 22/10/2015 | - | - |
#1112 | AD - Plots 22 & 23 to be cleared and covered | 18/9/2015 | - | - |
#1079 | AW 12A Strim and cover plot | 18/6/2015 | - | - |
#1035 | AD: JULY 2015 VERMIN TREATMENT | 18/6/2015 | - | - |
#1033 | AD: JUNE 2015 VERMIN TREATMENT | 18/6/2015 | - | - |
#1034 | AD: AUGUST 2015 VERMIN TREATMENT | 18/6/2015 | - | - |
#1019 | AD: JUNE/JULY 2015 Weed Treatment | 20/4/2015 | - | - |
#1009 | AD: Service of site facilities April 2015 | 7/5/2015 | - | - |
#1002 | AD: Faulty lock repair/replace | 1/5/2015 | - | 18/5/2015 |
#997 | AD: Leaking tap at middle section of site | 28/4/2015 | - | - |
#991 | AD: REPAIR TO BOUNDARY FENCING | 19/3/2015 | - | 7/4/2015 |
#985 | AD: PROVIDE MARKER SIGN FOR VERMIN TREATMENT | 16/4/2015 | - | 17/4/2015 |
#978 | AD: April 2015 Weed Treatment of site boundary fencing | - | - | |
#967 | AD: Cover plot 3 | 16/4/2015 | - | - |
#940 | AD: lock Maintenance | 1/4/2015 | - | - |
#933 | AD: Turn Water on at site | 1/4/2015 | - | 2/4/2015 |
#920 | AD: Portaloo servicing December 2014 | 1/12/2014 | - | 31/12/2014 |
#914 | AD: Portaloo servicing November 2014 | 3/11/2014 | - | 24/11/2014 |
#907 | AD: Portaloo servicing October 2014 | 1/10/2014 | - | 31/10/2014 |
#900 | AD; portaloo servicing | 2/9/2014 | - | 30/9/2014 |
#821 | ADW: Refill Rat bait boxes 19.9.14 | 19/9/2014 | - | - |
#681 | ADW: Site Noticeboard Damaged | - | - | |
#667 | AW: Portaloo charges | - | 31/12/2013 |
Allotment Site: Barlows Lane 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues 93 Issues
ID: | Issue: | Reported: | Scheduled: | Completed: |
#2415 | BL - Rremove tree and ivy due to wasp nests | 19/10/2022 | - | - |
#2389 | BL- strim and treat ALL vacant plots as agreed with ITC | 5/10/2022 | - | - |
#2341 | BL - Tap cant be turned off plot 58 needs fixing | 11/7/2022 | - | - |
#2336 | BL- Strim plot 14 (vacant plot and new tenant going on it) | 5/7/2022 | - | - |
#2331 | BL- Remove rubbish on plot 23 | 22/6/2022 | - | - |
#2318 | BL- Tap leaking between plots 3 and 4 and tap dripping near plot 27 (Lower area) | 6/6/2022 | - | - |
#2288 | BL- requested Quote to cover area with gravel near porta loo | 18/5/2022 | 27/7/2022 | 27/7/2022 |
#2286 | BL- strim only plot nos 14, 37a, 37b. 50, 83b and 86 | 17/5/2022 | - | - |
#2273 | BL - Strim plot 83B | 15/3/2022 | 20/5/2022 | - |
#2272 | BL - Tap Issue | 4/5/2022 | 6/5/2022 | - |
#2239 | BL- Remove broken glass warden collected following storms | 28/2/2022 | 9/3/2022 | - |
#2225 | BL - Plots 23 & 24 need strimming only | 24/1/2022 | 28/2/2022 | - |
#2223 | BL - Lock issue | 24/1/2022 | 28/1/2022 | - |
#2220 | BL - Lock Replacement | 5/1/2022 | 7/1/2022 | - |
#2190 | BL- Cover in front of porta loo and clear area | 19/10/2021 | - | - |
#2096 | BL- Jammed lock reported | 21/2/2021 | 22/2/2021 | - |
#2081 | ALL SITES - Provide Wardens with spare padlocks for emergencies | 1/9/2020 | 27/11/2020 | - |
#2060 | BL- Repair leaking tap/pipe plot 14 | 4/8/2020 | - | - |
#2019 | BARLOWS PLOT 22 | 13/5/2020 | - | - |
#2004 | BL - Tap call out | 23/4/2020 | - | - |
#1946 | BL- Plot 73 and 73A Remove damaged green house and broken glass | 10/2/2020 | 12/2/2020 | - |
#1878 | bl - 84 - standard cover | 28/11/2019 | - | - |
#1874 | BL 83 STANDARD COVER | 28/11/2019 | - | - |
#1873 | BL 50A STANDARD COVER | 28/11/2019 | - | - |
#1851 | BL -Switch of water supply | 27/10/2019 | - | - |
#1840 | BL - Fix broken tap near plot 63 | 21/10/2019 | 23/10/2019 | - |
#1825 | BL—PLOT 33 COVER | 25/9/2019 | - | - |
#1717 | BL - Fix leaking Pipe | 8/4/2019 | - | - |
#1710 | Turn Water on Spring 2019 | 12/4/2019 | - | |
#1633 | BL - To replace jammed existing lock with new lock | 4/12/2018 | - | - |
#1628 | BL-Remove and replace faulty lock | 9/11/2018 | - | - |
#1607 | BL- Fix leaking tap near plot 89 & near plot 51/52 | 1/10/2018 | - | - |
#1595 | BL - Repair cut fence near plot 13 | 23/8/2018 | - | - |
#1594 | BL - Please fix leaking tap plot 75/78 | 28/8/2018 | - | - |
#1567 | BL- To fix lose tap | 4/6/2018 | - | - |
#1531 | BL- Please replace broken lock with new lock | 2/5/2018 | - | - |
#1512 | BL Turn on water | 3/4/2018 | - | - |
#1510 | BL 20 To Clear plot for new tennant | 3/4/2018 | - | - |
#1481 | BL - Switching off tap for water | 14/11/2017 | - | - |
#1473 | BL60 - Track needs repairing | 19/9/2017 | - | - |
#1464 | Changing of Code on gate | 1/9/2017 | - | - |
#1460 | BL75 - Cover plot | 24/8/2017 | - | - |
#1459 | BL 57 - Cover | 24/8/2017 | - | - |
#1452 | BL - Gate | 18/7/2017 | - | - |
#1447 | BL 71B - Quote to clear | 5/7/2017 | - | - |
#1442 | BL Plots 3 & 4 - Faulty Taps | 22/6/2017 | - | - |
#1441 | BL - Pipe supply tap near 71A is leaking | 2/6/2017 | - | - |
#1427 | BL 11 - to be covered | 4/5/2017 | - | - |
#1425 | BL - leaking taps | 4/5/2017 | - | - |
#1411 | BL - Switching on water for 2017 | 15/3/2017 | - | - |
#1391 | BL16 - Clear & Cover | 15/12/2016 | - | - |
#1392 | BL48 - clear and cover | 15/12/2016 | - | - |
#1390 | BL - Plot 4 - cover | 15/12/2016 | - | - |
#1307 | BL 24 - Clear & cover | 26/8/2016 | - | - |
#1306 | BL Plot 9 - Cover | 26/8/2016 | - | - |
#1291 | BL24 -Cover Over | 23/6/2016 | - | - |
#1287 | BL17 - Leaking Tap | 18/6/2016 | 18/6/2016 | - |
#1275 | BL - Plots 40 & 41 - tap not working | 13/5/2016 | - | - |
#1269 | BL - Grass Cut | 6/5/2016 | - | - |
#1267 | BL Plot 28 - Pest Control | 28/4/2016 | - | - |
#1261 | BL - to restand toilet - blown over in recent storm | 1/4/2016 | - | - |
#1251 | BL - Switching water back on | 1/4/2016 | - | - |
#1191 | BL 78 - removal of tyres and sheet | 4/3/2016 | - | - |
#1182 | BL - Removal of raised beds | 4/2/2016 | - | - |
#1156 | BL - Switching off the water for winter | 1/11/2015 | - | - |
#1136 | BL 56 - Strim & cover | 13/10/2015 | - | - |
#1125 | BL - Taps leaking | 18/9/2015 | - | - |
#1066 | BL: Grass Cutting | 4/6/2015 | - | - |
#1051 | BL: WEED TREATMENT OF SITE BOUNDARY JUNE/JULY 2015 | 19/6/2015 | - | - |
#1043 | BL: GRASS CUT MAIN THOROUGHFARE AUGUST/SEPT 2015 | 19/6/2015 | - | - |
#1026 | BL:AUGUST 2015 VERMIN TREATMENT | 18/6/2015 | - | - |
#1025 | BL: JULY 2015 VERMIN TREATMENT | 14/5/2015 | - | - |
#1024 | BL; JUNE 2015 VERMIN TREATMENT | - | - | |
#1023 | BL: MAY 2015 VERMIN TREATMENT | - | - | |
#1010 | BL: April Service of site facilities | 7/5/2015 | - | 7/5/2015 |
#1000 | BL; PLOT 38 Remove sheeting and tyres | 30/4/2015 | - | - |
#996 | BL: Broken Tap at plot 46 | 28/4/2015 | 28/4/2015 | - |
#994 | BL: REPLACE DRIPPING TAP AT PLOT 79 | 23/4/2015 | - | - |
#992 | BL:REMOVE SHEETING FROM PLOT 73A & 85 | 12/3/2015 | - | - |
#986 | BL: PROVIDE MARKER SIGN AT POINT OF VERMIN TREATMENT | 16/4/2015 | - | 17/4/2015 |
#979 | BL: April 2015 Weed Treatment of site boundary | - | 22/4/2015 | |
#973 | BL: April Grass cut | - | 1/4/2015 | |
#963 | BL: DRIPPING TAP AT PLOT 1 | 14/4/2015 | - | 16/4/2015 |
#941 | BL: Lock Maintenance | 1/4/2015 | - | 18/5/2015 |
#934 | BL: Turn Water on at site | - | 2/4/2015 | |
#921 | BL: Portaloo servicing December 2014 | 1/12/2014 | - | 31/12/2014 |
#915 | BL: Portaloo servicing November 2014 | 3/11/2014 | - | 28/11/2014 |
#908 | BL: Portaloo servicing October 2014 | 1/10/2014 | - | 31/10/2014 |
#901 | BL: Portaloo service Sepember 2014 | 1/9/2014 | - | 30/9/2014 |
#895 | BL: Plot 16 repair and level footpath | 16/12/2014 | - | 3/2/2015 |
#781 | BL: Investigate Tree overhang | 26/6/2014 | - | - |
#682 | BL: Tree fallen plot 11 | 21/2/2014 | 24/2/2014 | 16/4/2014 |
#668 | BL: Portaloo charges | - | 31/12/2013 |
Allotment Site: Churchill Way 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues 66 Issues
ID: | Issue: | Reported: | Scheduled: | Completed: |
#2393 | CW- add new welded chain link to lock | 24/10/2022 | - | - |
#2338 | CW strim Plots 23 & 24 | 6/7/2022 | - | - |
#2335 | CW - Leaking tap | 23/6/2022 | 24/6/2022 | - |
#2265 | CW- to move the main gates further into site and new fencing required | 15/11/2022 | - | - |
#2262 | CW - main back boundary fence line trim o/hang trees and remove iviy/brambles | 16/6/2021 | - | - |
#2260 | CW- dribbling taps near plots plot 30 and 22 | 11/4/2022 | - | - |
#2243 | CW-main fence tidy, cut ivy and treat remove shrubs etc O/hanging trees etc | 9/12/2021 | 11/3/2022 | - |
#2169 | CW - Padlock issue | 10/8/2021 | 11/8/2021 | - |
#2049 | CW- Cover and Clearnce plot 12 churchill way | 30/6/2020 | 1/9/2020 | 1/9/2020 |
#2046 | CW Plot 17 - Rubbish clearance | 17/6/2020 | - | - |
#2024 | 4A/4B Rubbish collection | 20/5/2020 | - | - |
#2002 | CW 14 Clear and Cover | 16/4/2020 | - | - |
#1969 | CW- Fix and repair the damaged fence | 5/3/2020 | 11/3/2020 | 11/3/2020 |
#1885 | CW- 20- EVICTION CLEAR AND COVER | 13/12/2019 | - | 3/4/2020 |
#1862 | CW Plot 14 - rat call out | 27/11/2019 | 27/11/2019 | - |
#1861 | CW Plot 14 - glass removal | 27/11/2019 | 28/11/2019 | - |
#1856 | Churchill Plot 19 cover | 14/11/2019 | 21/11/2019 | - |
#1852 | CW- please switch of water supply | 27/10/2019 | - | - |
#1849 | CW clear and cover plot 20 | 7/11/2019 | 7/11/2019 | - |
#1812 | CW Fenceline maintainence | 8/8/2019 | - | - |
#1711 | Turn Water on Spring 2019 | 12/4/2019 | - | |
#1692 | CW- Remove rubbish dumped by Plot 1 | 21/3/2019 | - | - |
#1606 | CW- remove and replace broken lock | 10/9/2018 | - | - |
#1522 | CW 11B- Clear and Cover | 20/4/2018 | 30/4/2018 | 30/4/2018 |
#1513 | CW Turn on water | 3/4/2018 | - | - |
#1486 | CW40 - Cover | 14/11/2017 | - | - |
#1482 | CW - Switching off water | 14/11/2017 | - | - |
#1465 | CW - New code for gate 2017 | 1/9/2017 | - | - |
#1431 | CW22 - leaking tap | 16/5/2017 | - | - |
#1412 | CW - Switching on water for 2017 | 15/3/2017 | - | - |
#1393 | CW 11A - Clear & Cover | 15/12/2016 | - | - |
#1335 | CW Plot 39 - Rats | 14/11/2016 | - | - |
#1308 | CW 21 - clear and cover | 26/8/2016 | - | - |
#1252 | CW - Switching on of water for the summer | 1/4/2016 | - | - |
#1188 | CW 37 - Needs Covering | 8/2/2016 | - | - |
#1187 | CW11A - Needs covering | 8/2/2016 | - | - |
#1186 | CW 8 - Needs strimming and covering | 8/2/2016 | - | - |
#1159 | CW - switching off the water for winter | 1/11/2015 | - | 1/11/2015 |
#1138 | Repair fence post | 15/10/2015 | - | - |
#1126 | CW - Roadside fence line to be cut | 24/9/2015 | - | - |
#1087 | Churchill Way - Plot 22 | 2/7/2015 | - | - |
#1067 | CW: Grass Cutting | 4/6/2015 | - | - |
#1046 | CH: GRASS CUT MAIN THOROUGHFARE AUGUST/SEPT 015 | 19/6/2015 | - | - |
#1038 | CH: AUGUST 2015 VERMIN TREATMENT | 18/6/2015 | - | - |
#1036 | CH: JUNE 2015 VERMIN TREATMENT | 18/6/2015 | - | - |
#1037 | CH: JULY VERMIN TREATMENT | 18/6/2015 | - | - |
#1020 | CH: JUNE/JULY 2015 Weed Treatment | 28/5/2015 | - | - |
#1017 | CH: Replace security lock side gate | 12/5/2015 | - | 18/5/2015 |
#1011 | CH: April 2015 Service of site facilities | 7/5/2015 | - | 7/5/2015 |
#990 | CH: REPAIR BOUNDARY FENCING BY PLOT 13 | 16/4/2015 | - | 22/4/2015 |
#987 | CH: SIGNAGE AT POINT OF VERMIN TREATMENT | 16/4/2015 | - | 17/4/2015 |
#984 | CH: COVER PLOT 11B | 23/4/2015 | - | - |
#980 | CH: April 2015 Weed Treatment of Bounary fencing | - | - | |
#974 | CH: April 2015 Grass cut | - | 1/4/2015 | |
#965 | CH: TIDY PLOT 11A AND COVER WITH SHEETING | 14/4/2015 | - | - |
#950 | duplicate of 949 | 1/4/2015 | - | - |
#942 | CH: Lock Maintenance | 1/4/2015 | - | 18/5/2015 |
#935 | CH: Turn Water on at Site 1st April 2015 | 1/4/2015 | - | 2/4/2015 |
#932 | CH: Remove sheeting from plot 3 and 24 | 3/3/2015 | - | - |
#923 | CH: Portaloo servicing December 2014 | 1/12/2014 | - | 31/12/2014 |
#922 | CH: Portaloo servicing December 2014 | 1/12/2014 | - | 31/12/2014 |
#909 | CH: Portaloo servicing October 2014 | 1/10/2014 | - | 31/10/2014 |
#902 | CH: Portaloo servicing September 2014 | 1/9/2014 | - | 30/9/2014 |
#797 | CH: Removal of Peach Tree | 14/8/2014 | - | - |
#669 | CW: Portaloo charges December 2013 | - | 31/12/2013 | |
#656 | CH: Convenient Hire charges November 2013 | 1/11/2013 | - | 30/11/2013 |
Allotment Site: Mylen Road 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues 50 Issues
ID: | Issue: | Reported: | Scheduled: | Completed: |
#2230 | MR - level and repair central pathway in site | 26/1/2022 | 15/2/2022 | - |
#2228 | MR - Lock needs replacing | 31/1/2022 | 10/2/2022 | 20/3/2022 |
#2170 | MR - Wire Fence Down | 11/8/2021 | 20/8/2021 | - |
#2149 | MR - Broken Post Ties | 14/7/2021 | - | - |
#2127 | MR - Gate Repair | 11/5/2021 | 10/4/2022 | - |
#2112 | MR- place down wood chippings on the single track path | 23/3/2021 | - | - |
#1853 | MR- switch off water supply | 27/10/2019 | - | - |
#1805 | MR - Remove and replace rotten posts and taps | 22/7/2019 | - | - |
#1802 | MR - Taps | 18/7/2019 | - | - |
#1790 | MR- clear pile of rubbish and broken glass | 5/6/2019 | - | 18/7/2019 |
#1712 | Turn Water on Spring 2019 | 12/4/2019 | - | |
#1576 | MR - Standard cover 34 Mylen Road | - | - | |
#1570 | MR- Please cover plot 34 | 20/6/2018 | - | 20/6/2018 |
#1518 | MY To repair fence | 3/4/2018 | - | - |
#1514 | ML Turn on water | 3/4/2018 | - | - |
#1483 | MY - Switching off water | 14/11/2017 | - | - |
#1466 | MY - new code for the gate 2017 | 1/9/2017 | - | - |
#1433 | MY36A - cover plot | 12/5/2017 | - | - |
#1432 | MY - Tap | 12/5/2017 | - | - |
#1426 | MY - Leaking taps | 4/5/2017 | - | - |
#1413 | MY - switching on water for 2017 | 15/3/2017 | - | - |
#1339 | MY - cutting hedge to side entrance | 14/11/2016 | - | - |
#1338 | MY 34 A - to be covered | 14/11/2016 | - | - |
#1337 | MY33a - cover | 14/11/2016 | - | - |
#1309 | MY 31BA - clear & cover | 26/8/2016 | - | - |
#1301 | Side Pathway | 19/7/2016 | - | - |
#1276 | MY - New Lock | 25/5/2016 | - | - |
#1270 | MY - April Grass Cut | 6/5/2016 | - | - |
#1253 | MY - switching on water for summer | 1/4/2016 | - | - |
#1183 | Mylen Road - Gate & Surface mud | 5/2/2016 | - | - |
#1154 | MY - Switching off water supply for winter | 1/11/2015 | - | 19/11/2015 |
#1052 | MY: WEED TREATMENT OF SITE BOUNDARY JUNE/JULY2 015 | 19/6/2015 | - | - |
#1041 | MY: MONTHLY GRASS CUT AUGUST 2015 | 19/6/2015 | - | - |
#1040 | MY: JULY 2015 GRASS CUT | 19/6/2015 | - | - |
#1022 | MY: MAY 2015 GRASS CUT | 14/5/2015 | - | - |
#1012 | MY: April 2015 Service of site facilities | 3/4/2015 | - | 30/4/2015 |
#993 | MY: STRIM & COVER PLOT 36b | 12/3/2015 | - | - |
#981 | MY: April 2015 Weed Treatment of boundary fencing | - | 22/4/2015 | |
#975 | MY: April 2015 Grass cut | - | 1/4/2015 | |
#951 | MY: rat control programme | 1/4/2015 | - | - |
#943 | MY: Lock Maintenance | 1/4/2015 | - | 18/5/2015 |
#936 | MY: Turn water on at site April 2015 | 1/4/2015 | - | 2/4/2015 |
#924 | MY: Portaloo servicing December 2014 | 1/12/2014 | - | 31/12/2014 |
#916 | MY: Portaloo servicing November 2014 | 3/11/2014 | - | 28/11/2014 |
#910 | MY: Portaloo servicing October 2014 | 1/10/2014 | - | 31/10/2014 |
#903 | MY: Portaloo servicing September 2014 | - | 30/9/2014 | |
#899 | MY:purchase of black plastic sheeting to cover vacant plots | 10/12/2014 | - | 12/1/2015 |
#670 | ML: Portaloo charges Dec 2013 | - | 31/12/2013 | |
#664 | MY: Clearance of Tree limb | 2/12/2013 | 2/12/2013 | 2/12/2013 |
#657 | MY: Convenient Hire November 2013 | 1/11/2013 | - | 30/11/2013 |
Allotment Site: Old Winton Road 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues 65 Issues
ID: | Issue: | Reported: | Scheduled: | Completed: |
#2409 | OWR - Clear shed contents on plot 25 | 13/12/2022 | 3/1/2023 | - |
#2405 | OWR - Repair both locks | 23/11/2022 | 25/11/2022 | - |
#2404 | OWR - Repair water pipe and fit post | 16/11/2022 | 19/11/2022 | - |
#2400 | OWR- please repair the jammed lock (pedestrian entrance) | 7/11/2022 | 8/11/2022 | - |
#2259 | OWR- Lock stiff needs repair | 11/4/2022 | - | - |
#2256 | OWR- small tree fallen near plot 61 and concrete post | 21/3/2022 | - | - |
#2249 | OWR - Plots - remove broken glass on 3, 37,38 15b | 7/3/2022 | 25/3/2022 | - |
#2248 | OWR _ Plot 7B remove broken glass and damaged greenhouse | 7/3/2022 | 25/3/2022 | - |
#2233 | OWR- repair boundary fence and concrete posts | 7/2/2022 | 28/2/2022 | - |
#2208 | OWR- fix to boundary fence dene path side TVBC contractors caused | 25/10/2021 | - | - |
#2020 | OWR 15A COVER | 14/5/2020 | - | - |
#1854 | OWR- switch off water supply | 27/10/2019 | - | - |
#1829 | OWR 52 CLEAR COVER & PEG | 25/9/2019 | - | - |
#1820 | owr 52 clear and cover | 20/9/2019 | 27/9/2019 | - |
#1815 | OWR - rubbish clear | 5/9/2019 | 12/9/2019 | - |
#1806 | plot clearence | 25/7/2019 | - | - |
#1713 | Turn Water on Spring 2019 | 12/4/2019 | - | |
#1616 | OWR 13A Strim and Cover | 19/10/2018 | - | - |
#1577 | OWR Standard Cover 15a | - | - | |
#1524 | OWR-Please fix leaking tap | 30/4/2018 | - | - |
#1520 | OWR 45 To cover plot | 9/4/2018 | - | - |
#1515 | OWR Turn on water | 3/4/2018 | - | - |
#1502 | OWR - New Lock | 24/1/2018 | - | - |
#1484 | OWR - Switching off water for winter | 14/11/2017 | - | - |
#1474 | OWR12b - Cover | 25/9/2017 | - | - |
#1471 | OWR 33 - clear & cover | 1/9/2017 | - | - |
#1467 | OWR - new code for gate 2017 | 1/9/2017 | - | - |
#1463 | OWR 22 - tap broken | 1/9/2017 | - | - |
#1461 | OWR 10B - cover plot | 24/8/2017 | - | - |
#1451 | OWR26 Tap located near this plot is leaking | 18/7/2017 | - | - |
#1414 | OWR - Switching on water 2017 | 15/3/2017 | - | - |
#1408 | OWR 60 | 2/3/2017 | - | - |
#1400 | OWR50 - Hole in fence | 6/2/2017 | - | - |
#1397 | OWR 61A - Clear & Cover | 17/1/2017 | - | - |
#1396 | OWR 14B - clear & cover | 17/1/2017 | - | - |
#1395 | OWR 21 - to move shed | 17/1/2017 | - | - |
#1315 | OWR Plot 60 - Clear & Cover | 26/8/2016 | - | - |
#1314 | OWR - Plot 47 - clear & cover | 26/8/2016 | - | - |
#1313 | OWR Plot 31A | 26/8/2016 | - | - |
#1312 | OWR - Plot 24 clear & cover | 26/8/2016 | - | - |
#1311 | OWR Plot 2A - Apple tree | 26/8/2016 | - | - |
#1310 | OWR Plot 9B - New Tenant - Clear plot | 26/8/2016 | - | - |
#1271 | OWR - April Grass | 6/5/2016 | - | - |
#1264 | OWR - Boundary Fence - Ivy growing up fence | 4/4/2016 | - | - |
#1254 | OWR - switching on water for summer | 1/4/2016 | - | - |
#1155 | OWR - Switching off of water for the winter | 1/11/2015 | 19/11/2015 | 19/11/2015 |
#1069 | OWR: Grass Cutting | 4/6/2015 | - | - |
#1048 | OWR: GRASS CUT MAIN THOROUGHFARE AUGUST/SEPT 2015 | 19/6/2015 | - | - |
#1021 | OWR:JUNE/JULY 2015 Weed Treatment | 11/5/2015 | - | - |
#1018 | OWR: Repair fencing to lefthand side of lower gate | 12/5/2015 | - | 18/5/2015 |
#1014 | OWR: April 2015 Service of site facilities | 3/4/2015 | 30/4/2015 | 30/4/2015 |
#982 | OWR: April Weed Treatment of boundary fencing | - | - | |
#976 | OWR: April 2015 Grass Cut | - | - | |
#964 | OWR: Collect black sheeting & tyres from plot 53 | 14/4/2015 | - | - |
#952 | OWR: rat conrol programme | 1/4/2015 | - | - |
#944 | OWR: Lock Maintenance | 1/4/2015 | - | 18/5/2015 |
#939 | TD: Turn water on at Site | 1/4/2015 | - | - |
#937 | OWR: Turn Water on at site 1st April2015 | 1/4/2015 | - | 2/4/2015 |
#925 | OWR: Portaloo servicing December 2014 | 1/12/2014 | - | 31/12/2014 |
#917 | OWR: Portaloo servicing November 2014 | 3/11/2014 | - | 28/11/2014 |
#911 | OWR: Portaloo servicing October 2014 | 1/10/2014 | - | 31/10/2014 |
#904 | OWR: Portaloo servicing September 2014 | 1/9/2014 | - | 30/9/2014 |
#671 | OWR: Portaloo charges Dec 2013 | - | 31/12/2013 | |
#661 | OWR: Replacement post for tap near plot 26 | 25/11/2013 | 2/12/2013 | 25/11/2013 |
#658 | OWR: Convenient Hire charges November 2013 | 1/11/2013 | - | 30/11/2013 |
Allotment Site: The Drove 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues 54 Issues
ID: | Issue: | Reported: | Scheduled: | Completed: |
#2357 | TD - Full clearance of plot 14B | 4/8/2022 | 1/9/2022 | - |
#2354 | TD - Full clearance of plot 64B | 12/7/2022 | 31/8/2022 | - |
#2349 | TD- remove excessive soil from raised bank | 13/7/2022 | - | - |
#2343 | TD- remove ‘dumped’ rubbish on the con sealed bank | 13/7/2022 | - | - |
#2340 | TD- Remove all the weeds, long grass, Treat Ivy on main fence line | 11/7/2022 | - | - |
#2334 | TD- Clear Ivy from resident fence caused from our side of allotments | 22/6/2022 | 22/6/2022 | - |
#2317 | TD - Trim and cut overgrown shrubs, trees and ivy main fence line | 7/6/2022 | - | - |
#2296 | TD- remove wire netting ONLY from plot 43b | 24/5/2022 | - | - |
#2245 | TD- renove wooden planks and waste and shrubs near resident shed | 23/2/2022 | 25/3/2022 | - |
#2062 | TD- PLot 71A remove tree stumps and concrete blocks | 29/7/2020 | 21/8/2020 | - |
#2031 | TD- Remove the dead tree and Ivy | 18/5/2020 | 5/6/2020 | - |
#2022 | TD- Remove allotment Ivy and shrubs causing damage | 12/5/2020 | - | - |
#1881 | TD- Removal of 2 trees | 5/8/2019 | - | - |
#1880 | TD - Repair jammed lock side gate | 2/12/2019 | 5/12/2019 | - |
#1831 | VR 25C CLEAR COVER PEG | 25/9/2019 | - | - |
#1580 | DR- To change existing Key code | 9/7/2018 | - | - |
#1532 | DR- Please replace broken lock | 4/5/2018 | - | - |
#1516 | TD turn on water | 3/4/2018 | - | - |
#1468 | TD - New Code for Gate 2017 | 1/9/2017 | - | - |
#1448 | TD 73A, 73B, 61B, 62B, 45B, 46,B 12B | 30/6/2017 | - | - |
#1434 | TD9a - removal of shed and rubbish | 30/5/2017 | - | - |
#1430 | TD - Fixing of fence | 8/5/2017 | - | - |
#1415 | TD - switching on water 2017 | 15/3/2017 | - | - |
#1403 | TD - replace lock on main gate | 27/2/2017 | - | - |
#1399 | TD19b - removal of rubbish from shed | 20/1/2017 | - | - |
#1394 | TD48A - Clear plot | 13/1/2017 | - | - |
#1334 | Collect from town and take back to the Drove - Christmas Tree fencing | 8/11/2016 | - | 28/2/2017 |
#1333 | Collect Christmas fencing and deliver to town | 4/11/2016 | - | - |
#1290 | TD28 - removal of climber | 21/6/2016 | - | - |
#1268 | TD 7A - Rat sighting | 4/5/2016 | - | - |
#1258 | TD 18B - New Tenant Plot needs clearing | 1/4/2016 | - | - |
#1257 | TD 48B - clear some rubbish | 1/4/2016 | - | - |
#1255 | TD - switching on the water for summer | 1/4/2016 | - | - |
#1184 | The Drove - Land clearance/Storage Clearance | 5/2/2016 | - | - |
#1181 | TD Plot 39A - Strim only | 2/2/2016 | - | - |
#1146 | TD Plot 7A - Strim & Cover | 23/10/2015 | - | - |
#1081 | TD - 19b replacement tap | 19/6/2015 | - | - |
#1032 | TD: AUGUST 2015 MONTHLY VERMIN TREATMENT | 18/6/2015 | - | - |
#1031 | TD: JULY 2015 VERMIN TREATMENT | 18/6/2015 | - | - |
#1030 | TD: JUNE VERMIN TREATMENT | 18/6/2015 | - | - |
#1015 | TD: April 2015 service of site facilities | 3/4/2015 | 30/4/2015 | 30/4/2015 |
#989 | TD: SIGNAGE FOR VERMIN TREATMENT | 16/4/2015 | - | 17/4/2015 |
#955 | TD: Clear plot 7B | 10/3/2015 | - | 17/3/2015 |
#945 | TD: Lock Maintenance | 1/4/2015 | - | 18/5/2015 |
#930 | TD: Clear plot 64B Drove | - | 17/4/2015 | |
#929 | TD: Clear & Dispose of Glass plot 7B | 16/2/2015 | - | 17/2/2015 |
#926 | TD: Portaloo servicing December 2014 | 1/12/2014 | - | 31/12/2014 |
#918 | TD: Portaloo servicing November 2014 | 3/11/2014 | - | 28/11/2014 |
#912 | TD: Portaloo servicing October 2014 | 1/10/2014 | - | 31/10/2014 |
#905 | TD: Portaloo servicing September 2014 | 1/9/2014 | - | 30/9/2014 |
#894 | TD: Plot 46B Remove of shed | 15/1/2015 | - | - |
#677 | TD: Replacement Lock Silverbirch Road | 30/1/2014 | - | 6/2/2014 |
#672 | TD: Portaloo charges December 2013 | - | 31/12/2013 | |
#660 | TD: Convenient Hire charges November 2013 | 1/11/2013 | - | 30/11/2013 |
Allotment Site: Vigo Road 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues 100 Issues
ID: | Issue: | Reported: | Scheduled: | Completed: |
#2419 | VR- Track (gate entrance) repair needed | 7/2/2023 | - | - |
#2414 | VR- near plots plots 44a and 44b excessive rubbish and compost bin needs empting | 17/1/2023 | - | - |
#2413 | VR- Rubbish dumped by Porta loo needs removing | 19/12/2022 | 13/1/2023 | 13/1/2023 |
#2403 | VR- fix jammed lock and replace chain link | 10/11/2022 | 11/11/2022 | - |
#2392 | VR- 27AA need strim and clearance | 10/8/2022 | - | - |
#2391 | 24A- Strim plot | 19/10/2022 | 31/1/2023 | - |
#2359 | VR- Plot 22 - strim and treat if needed | 30/8/2022 | - | - |
#2350 | VR-Clearance of plot 30c | 22/6/2022 | 23/8/2023 | - |
#2347 | VR- Strim and treat rewilding area near plots 46 &47 | 25/7/2022 | 30/8/2023 | 13/1/2023 |
#2337 | VR - Clear rubbish on plot 10B | 23/6/2022 | 22/7/2022 | - |
#2333 | VR- Vacant plot 31b strim and clear dumped rubbish | 20/6/2022 | 22/6/2022 | - |
#2328 | VR - Strim plot 31B | 21/6/2022 | 20/7/2022 | 11/1/2023 |
#2314 | VR - weld new lock to gates | 25/5/2022 | - | - |
#2313 | VR- plots 9a & 9B remove over grown brambles and buddlia tree | 25/5/2022 | - | - |
#2294 | VR - remove glass found within plot 34A | 17/5/2022 | - | - |
#2287 | VR- plot 45 Vacant plot- trim and tidy trees and shrubs on plot | 18/5/2022 | - | - |
#2285 | VR- remove large deep pond on plot 27a VACANT plot | 11/5/2022 | - | - |
#2283 | VR- replace 2 x missing areas of boundary fencing near plots 44a and 44b | 27/4/2022 | - | - |
#2281 | VR- replace 3 x new taps | 11/5/2022 | - | - |
#2274 | VR - Tree stump and glass removal | 12/4/2022 | 27/5/2022 | - |
#2271 | VR - replace lock as not working at site | 3/5/2022 | 3/5/2022 | - |
#2261 | VR - Broken glass | 12/4/2022 | 29/4/2022 | - |
#2258 | VR- Padlock needs repairing or replacing | 7/4/2022 | - | - |
#2252 | VR- Trim back the ‘Conifir tree’ casuing a nusiance to resident | 16/3/2022 | 21/9/2022 | 21/9/2022 |
#2234 | VR - removal of rubbish near plot 43b left by resident | 16/2/2022 | - | - |
#2232 | VR- Plot 12b needs clearing and covering | 1/2/2022 | 23/2/2022 | - |
#2231 | VR- Plot 25a clear the brambles and small tree | 2/2/2022 | 23/2/2022 | - |
#2188 | VR-Leaking tap near plot 19AA | 18/10/2021 | - | - |
#2154 | VR - Bottom Gate Lock | 20/7/2021 | 22/7/2021 | - |
#2098 | VR- repair damaged gate post/fence at Vigo road | 10/3/2021 | 19/3/2021 | 19/3/2021 |
#2074 | VR- Fix broken lock back gate | 12/10/2020 | - | - |
#2014 | VR - Cover plot 25B | 6/5/2020 | - | - |
#1994 | VR- Plot 15a cover plot and remove wood | 6/4/2020 | - | - |
#1950 | VR - PLot 33a remove old rubbish and broken glass on fench line | 5/2/2020 | - | - |
#1864 | VR 31A NON PAYMENT EVICTION CLEARANCE | 28/11/2019 | - | - |
#1859 | VR - Tap replacement x 2 | 14/11/2019 | 17/12/2019 | - |
#1855 | VR- switch off water suuply | 27/10/2019 | - | - |
#1833 | VR 34A CLEAR COVER PEG | 25/9/2019 | - | - |
#1832 | VR 26A CLEAR COVER PEG | 25/9/2019 | - | - |
#1789 | Vr - Clear the hedge and tree stump near plot 45 | 4/4/2019 | - | - |
#1714 | Turn Water on Spring 2019 | 12/4/2019 | - | |
#1690 | VR - Source and Fit a Braile friendly lock | 12/2/2019 | - | - |
#1563 | Removal of the Conifer Tree | - | - | |
#1562 | VR- To repair and add pipe to damaged tap | 22/5/2018 | - | - |
#1526 | VR- Lock broken at bottom gate | 1/5/2018 | - | - |
#1517 | VR Turn on water | 3/4/2018 | - | - |
#1501 | VR - Repair fencing next to gates on main entry | 18/1/2018 | - | - |
#1485 | VR - switching off the taps | 14/11/2017 | - | - |
#1469 | VR - new code for gate | 1/9/2017 | - | - |
#1446 | VR - weed control for the site | 4/7/2017 | - | - |
#1445 | VR 7B - to insert a grass path | 4/7/2017 | - | - |
#1444 | VR25C - Clear & Cover | 4/7/2017 | - | - |
#1443 | VR19b - Removal of rubbish | 4/7/2017 | - | - |
#1416 | VR - switching on water for 2017 | 15/3/2017 | - | - |
#1404 | VR - Braille Lock required | 27/2/2017 | - | - |
#1324 | VR 43B - Clear & Cover | 26/8/2016 | - | - |
#1322 | VR Plot 37B - clear & cover | 26/8/2016 | - | - |
#1320 | VR Plot 37A - clear & cover | 26/8/2016 | - | - |
#1319 | VR 24C - Clear & Cover | 26/8/2016 | - | - |
#1318 | VR Plot - 23B - Clear & Cover | 26/8/2016 | - | - |
#1317 | VR 15A - Clear & Cover | 26/8/2016 | - | - |
#1316 | VR Plot 10A - Clear & Cover | 26/8/2016 | - | - |
#1272 | VR - April Grass Cut | 6/5/2016 | - | - |
#1256 | VR - switching on water for summer | 1/4/2016 | - | - |
#1179 | VR - Replace lock on bottom gate | 14/1/2016 | - | - |
#1157 | VR - Switching off the water for winter | 1/11/2015 | - | 19/11/2015 |
#1147 | VR - Plots near 7B - Additional vermin treatment | 16/10/2015 | - | - |
#1099 | 37B - Vigo Road - clear plot of rubbish | 10/7/2015 | - | - |
#1098 | 31C - Vigo Road - clear plot | 10/7/2015 | - | - |
#1096 | Plot 24B - Vigo Road - Clear rubbish | 10/7/2015 | - | - |
#1095 | 23b - Vigo Road - clear plot | 10/7/2015 | - | - |
#1093 | 10A - Vigo Road | 10/7/2015 | - | - |
#1089 | 20A -Vigo Road - removal of rubbish. | 10/7/2015 | - | - |
#1070 | VR: Grass Cutting | 4/6/2015 | - | - |
#1053 | VR: WEED TREATMENT OF SITE ENTRANCE JUNE/JULY 2015 | 19/6/2015 | - | - |
#1050 | VR: GRASS CUT MAIN THOROUGHFARE AUGUST/SEPT 2015 | 19/6/2015 | - | - |
#1029 | VR: AUGUST 2015 MONTHLY VERMIN TREATMENT | 18/6/2015 | - | - |
#1028 | VR: JULY 2015 VERMIN TREATMENT | 18/6/2015 | - | - |
#1027 | VR: JUNE 2015 VERMIN TREATMENT | 18/6/2015 | - | - |
#1013 | VR: April 2015 Service of site facilities | 3/4/2015 | - | 30/4/2015 |
#1003 | VR: Replace Tap location plot 19AA | 6/5/2015 | 6/5/2015 | |
#988 | VR: SIGNAGE FOR VERMIN TREATMENT | 16/4/2015 | - | 17/4/2015 |
#983 | VR: Weed Treatment plot 41A & Site entrance | 21/4/2015 | - | - |
#977 | VR: April2015 Grass Cut | - | 2/4/2015 | |
#962 | VR: Dripping tap by plot 16A | 10/4/2015 | - | 16/4/2015 |
#946 | VR: Lock Maintenance | 1/4/2015 | - | 18/5/2015 |
#938 | VR: Turn Water on at Site | 1/4/2015 | - | 2/4/2015 |
#928 | VR: Plot 19B Clear Lean too waste | 10/2/2015 | - | - |
#927 | VR: Portaloo servicing December 2014 | 1/12/2014 | - | 31/12/2014 |
#919 | VR: Portaloo servicing November 2014 | 3/11/2014 | - | 28/11/2014 |
#913 | VR: Portaloo Servicing October 2014 | 1/10/2014 | - | 31/10/2014 |
#906 | VR: Portaloo servicing September 2014 | 1/9/2014 | - | 30/9/2014 |
#898 | VR: Site Noticeboard Damaged and leaking water | - | - | |
#684 | VR: Rats report by plot 18A | 27/2/2014 | - | 27/2/2014 |
#679 | VR: Rats Reported on site | 8/4/2014 | 16/4/2014 | 22/4/2014 |
#678 | VR: Storm damage to fencing at Site Entrance | - | 17/3/2014 | |
#675 | VR: Toilet not stable | 24/1/2014 | - | 4/2/2014 |
#674 | VR: Lock Broken on front gates | 21/1/2014 | 23/1/2014 | 3/2/2014 |
#673 | VR: Portaloo charges December 2013 | - | 31/12/2013 | |
#665 | VR: Lock broken on front gates | 16/1/2014 | - | 16/4/2014 |