Planning Observations 15 June 2020

Date: 16th June, 2020

Due to the extraordinary measures being taken during the Coronavirus outbreak, the Town Clerk has delegated authority to make observations on Planning Applications on behalf of the Andover Town Council, which will be sent to the Planning Authority (Test Valley Borough Council) within the statutory time limits.

OB 05/19 Planning Application Observations
Test Valley Borough Council weekly Lists of 21, 22 & 23 were considered and the following observations were made.

6.1 - 20/01101/TPON – 26.05.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (MILLWAY)
Crown raise lower canopy by tip reduction of 1.5 - 2.5 metres of T1 Sycamore on land that borders “The Pines”:
Rear of 41 Bishops Way, Andover, Hampshire
Observation: No objection

6.2 - 20/01075/FULLN – 28.05.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (MILLWAY)
Erection of a detached double garage:
Kristen House, The Pines, Andover
Observation: No objection

6.3 - 20/01026/FULLN - 18.05.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (ROMANS)
First floor side extension to form home study, extend dining room into part of existing garage and alterations to driveway to provide additional parking space:
40 Loveridge Close, Andover, SP10 5ND
Observation: No objection

6.4 - 20/01079/FULLN – 28.05.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (ST MARYS)
Erection of an entrance porch and single storey rear extension to provide additional living space:
164 Pilgrims Way, Andover, SP10 5HT
Observation: No objection

6.5 - 20/01114/CLPN – 29.05.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (HARROWAY)
Application for a lawful development certificate for single storey side extension:
33 Mylen Road, Andover, SP10 3HD
Observation: No objection

6.6 – 20/01116/FULLN – 02.06.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (ST MARYS)
Single storey rear extension to provide enlarged living space:
4 Medway Court, Andover, Hampshire
Observation: No objection

6.7 – 20/00705/FULLN – 03.06.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (HARROWAY)
Erection of detached timber garage:
21 Lawrence Close, Andover, SP10 3SY
Observation: No objection

6.8 - 20/01169/TPON – 03.06.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (WINTON)
Fell 3 Ash trees:
Redbridge Drive, Andover, Hampshire
Observation: No objection
Comment: Would request alternative trees to be replanted for TPO trees to add value to street scene.

6.9 - 20/01145/FULLN – 03.06.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (MILLWAY)
Single storey rear extension to provide enlarged dining area:
Diligence, 97 Salisbury Road, Andover
Observation: No objection

7.0 - 20/01173/TPON – 03.06.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (MILLWAY)
Tree works as per submitted schedule:
56 Denning Mead, Andover, SP10 3LG
Observation: No objection

7.1 - 20/01183/TPON – 03.06.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (MILLWAY)
Tree works as per submitted schedule:
87 Leyton Way, Andover, SP10 2UJ
Observation: Objection
• No reasons given for the requirement of felling 40 trees, i.e. if they are diseased etc.
• Would like further details why these trees need to be felled.
• No objection to the crown lifts and severing ivy growths.

7.2 - 20/01163/FULLN – 04.06.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (HARROWAY)
Installation of an access ramp:
56 Camelot Close, Andover, SP10 4BD
Observation: No objection

7.3 – 20/01208/FULLN – 05.06.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (WINTON)
Side and rear extensions to provide utility room and family room:
50 Wolversdene Road, Andover, Hampshire
Observation: No objection

7.4 - 20/01194/TREEN – 05.06.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (ST MARYS)
T3 to T5 - cut back all roots and branches to the club boundary:
Clare House, Andover Central Club, East Street, Andover
Observation: Objection
• These trees are on HCC land and form significant value to the street scene and are within the conservation area.
• If an arboriculturist or conservation officer feel they should be removed, then they should be replaced with new trees to add to the street scene.

7.5 - 20/01193/TREEN – 05.06.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (ST MARYS)
T1 and T2 – Fell:
Clare House, Andover Central Club, East Street, Andover
Observation: Objection
• These trees have seen significant crown reduction over last few years and are continuing to regrow.
• They are within the conservation area and add significance to the street scene.
• If an arboriculturist or conservation officer feel they should be removed, then they should be replaced with new trees to keep the street scene value.

7.6 - 20/01210/FULLN – 08.06.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (HARROWAY)
Single storey rear extension to provide kitchen/diner, utility, lobby and cloakroom:
2A Silchester Close, Andover, SP10 3RL
Observation: No objection

7.7 - 20/00673/FULLN – 08.06.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (HARROWAY)
Two storey rear extension, and two storey side extension, to provide additional living space and accommodation:
23 Ferndale Road, Andover, SP10 3HQ
Observation: Objection
• The footprint of the building will just about double.
• Concerns are that this will have an impact on the light available to the houses on either side.
• Would request that this is confirmed by Test Valley Borough Council.

7.8 - 20/01201/FULLN – 08.06.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (ST MARYS)
Erection of single storey rear extension to provide enlarged kitchen and dining area:
7 Seville Crescent, Andover, SP10 1JU
Observation: No objection

7.9 - 20/01224/FULLN – 09.06.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (HARROWAY)
Proposed dropped kerb, ramp and hard standing to facilitate disabled access:
12 Cherry Tree Road, Andover, SP10 3DX
Observation: No objection

8.0 - 20/00983/FULLN - 01.06.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (DOWNLANDS)
Erection of conservatory to rear:
20 Silks Way, Andover, SP11 6UU
Observation: No objection


8.0 - 20/01056/PDON - 20.05.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (ST MARYS)
Prior approval notification for change of use under Class O - Change use of offices to 2 flats:
16 Bridge Street, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 1BH

ADDITIONAL NOTE: It was noted in the Members Information List 21, that the following Planning Application was REFUSED:
20/00150/FULLN & 20/00151/LBWN - Change of use from chiropractor’s clinic to dwelling; replace rear window with doors and enlarge bathroom on first floor - 3 Church Close, Andover, Hampshire.

Also, it was noted in the Members Information List 22, that the following Planning Application was WITHDRAWN:
19/03060/OUTN - Outline application for residential development of up to 21 dwellings with access - Silverdene, 25 Walworth Road, Picket Piece.

The next Planning observations will be sent by Tuesday 7 July 2020.