OB 01/19 Planning Application Observations
Test Valley Borough Council weekly Lists of 9, 10 & 11 were considered and the following observations were made.
19/03060/OUTN– 26.02.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (DOWNLANDS)
Outline application for residential development of up to 21 dwellings with access:
Silverdene, 25 Walworth Road, Picket Piece
Observation: Objection:
• Not enough detail to show sight lines.
• There are a large number of houses and this will cause increased traffic movement.
• There are no details of how this site accesses the cycle way into town.
• Concerns about turning circles for refuse vehicles etc. There are no turning points by plots 33 – 36.
• Landscaping, which would come under reserved matters, could be softer. The landscaping shown is very much hard landscaping.
20/00499/FULLN – 27.02.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (MILLWAY)
Erection of industrial/warehouse facility (Use Class B2/B8) with ancillary office, landscaping, parking and associated works:
Plot 3, Andover Business Park, Pioneer Road, Andover
Objection: Drainage issues have still to be satisfactorily addressed as per Hampshire County Council comments.
20/00523/FULLN – 02.03.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (MILLWAY)
Installation of flue in each of the four turrets:
Test Valley Borough Council, Beech Hurst, Weyhill Road, Andover
Committee Comment: No objection
20/00456/FULLN – 02.03.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (ST MARYS)
Demolition of nos. 7 to 11 London Street. Erection of new building comprising ground floor shop unit and 2 two bed flats above:
7 – 11 London Street, Andover, Hampshire
Observation: Objection:
• This is within the Conservation area and is out of keeping.
• No amenity space is provided for the flats.
• Waste bins will be provided for the flats but there are no details of where these would be collected from.
• Waste bins should be collected from rear of building and not left on street in shopping area/Conservation area.
20/00515/RDCAN – 02.03.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (ST MARYS)
Demolition of existing building:
7 – 11 London Street, Andover, Hampshire
Observation: Objection:
• This is within the Conservation area and is out of keeping.
• No amenity space is provided for the flats.
• Waste bins will be provided for the flats but there are no details of where these would be collected from.
• These should be collected from rear of building so waste bins are not left on street in shopping area/Conservation area.
20/00560/FULLN – 05.03.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (DOWNLANDS)
Remove existing single storey extensions and chimney, erection of 2 storey side extension, convert loft space and insert 2 dormers and 3 velux, remove existing porch and existing conservatory and replace with single storey front extension and single storey rear extension with balcony over. Erection of first floor to garage to provide additional accommodation and living space for granny annexe:
Windermere, Ox Drove, Picket Piece
• Concerned about overbearing to neighbouring properties.
• This is sited near the dormice habitats and it is unclear as to whether this has been taken into consideration. Design and access statement states that it will not be detrimental to wildlife.
20/00596/FULLN – 09.03.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (ROMANS)
Change use of land to open space between parcels A/B and landscape area A1:
Land at East Anton, Smannell Road, Smannell
Concerns over access and gate into this area have been raised by a resident.
Would request Officers carry out a site visit.
20/00483/FULLN – 05.03.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (WINTON)
Side extension to provide addition kitchen floorspace, utility room and WC/shower:
22 Watermills Close, Andover, Hampshire
Observation: No objection
20/00550/DEMN – 06.03.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (WINTON)
Application for Prior Notification of Demolition of a wooden store:
Chantry Mead, Mead Hedges, Andover
Observation: No objection
20/00605/FULLN – 10.03.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (HARROWAY)
Change of use from non-residential institutions (Class D1) to business (Class B1), and/or general industrial (Class B2), and/or storage or distribution (Class B8):
Unit 3, Sopwith Park, Royce Close
Observation: No objection
7.1 – 20/00624/FULLN – 13.03.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (ROMANS)
Single Storey rear extension:
5 Woolwich Way, Andover, SP11 6RZ
Observation: No objection
7.2 – 19/01485/FULLN – 11.03.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (DOWNLANDS)
Erection of 16 residential dwellings with associated access, parking, open space and landscaping:
Land at Picket Piece, Ox Drove, Picket Piece, Hampshire
Observation: Objection:
• Concerned about shadowing of existing properties and overlooking existing properties.
• The junior pitches are required for Andover.
20/00436/CLPN – 09.03.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (WINTON)
Application for lawful development certificate for proposed removal of existing conservatory, construction of single storey rear extension:
11 Sainsbury Close, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 2LE
Observation: No objection
20/00445/FULLN – 20.03.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (DOWNLANDS)
Conversion of integral garage and addition of new window to front elevation:
18 Hartack Close, Andover, Hampshire, SP11 6ZJ
Observation: No objection
20/00659/FULLN – 19.03.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (MILLWAY)
Remove porch, erection of 2 storey front extension to form enlarged porch and enlarged bedroom:
114 Sainsbury Road, Andover, SP10 2LJ
Observation: Objection:
Concerned about potential impact on neighbouring property.
20/00661/CLPN – 17.03.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (ST MARYS)
Application for lawful development certificate for proposed shed at rear:
25 Colenzo Drive, Andover, Hampshire
No comment: There is insufficient detail to be able to make a comment about this application.
20/00675/ADVN – 18.03.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (ST MARYS)
Replacement of existing ATM header signage to comply with new HSBC UK branding:
28 – 30 High Street, Andover
Observation: No objection
20/00680/FULLN – 19.03.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (WINTON)
Removal of chimney, erection of two storey side extension to provide garage store and utility with 2 bedrooms over and erection of single storey rear extension to provide kitchen/dining room and erection of porch:
74 Suffolk Road, Andover, SP10 2JU
Observation: No objection
20/00685/ADVN – 19.03.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (ST MARYS)
Installation of three digital freestanding signs and one digital booth screen:
McDonalds Restaurant, 160 New Street, Andover
Observation: No objection
20/00688/FULLN – 19.03.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (HARROWAY)
Single storey front extension to provide enlarged living room:
18 The Drove, Andover, SP10 3DL
Observation: No objection
The next Planning observations will be sent by Tuesday 15 April 2020.