Planning Observations 4 May 2020

Date: 5th May, 2020

Due to the extraordinary measures being taken during the Coronavirus outbreak, the Town Clerk has delegated authority to make observations on Planning Applications on behalf of the Andover Town Council, which will be sent to the Planning Authority (Test Valley Borough Council) within the statutory time limits.

OB 03/19 Planning Application Observations
Test Valley Borough Council weekly Lists of 15, 16 & 17 were considered and the following observations were made.

6.1 – 20/00855/FULLN – 22.04.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (MILLWAY)
Single storey rear kitchen extension and first floor rear bedroom extension:
Hillcrest, 100 Salisbury Road, Andover
Observation: No objection

6.2 – 20/00806/FULLN – 14.04.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (HARROWAY)
Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension to form enlarged kitchen and dining room with family room and utility room to rear, study to side. Additional bedroom and enlarged bathroom on 1st floor:
22 Ashfield Road, Andover, Hampshire
Observation: No objection

6.3 - 20/00829/FULLN - 16.04.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (DOWNLANDS)
Alterations and change of use of ground floor of “health centre” building to retail pharmacy (Class A1), and two retail (Class A1)/financial and professional services (Class A2) units:
Health Centre Building at Local Centre of Picket Twenty, Saddle Way/Picket Twenty Way, Andover, Hampshire
Observation: No objection
Comments: There has been no take up for this site as a health centre. A pharmacy would be a suitable use for this building. The Town Council supports the sourcing of a viable and socially alternative use.

6.4 - 20/00820/CLPN - 17.04.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (WINTON)
Application for lawful development certificate for proposed conversion of existing roof space to form bedroom and en-suite:
30 Picton Road, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 2HQ
Observation: No objection

6.5 – 20/00866/FULLN – 24.04.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (ST MARYS)
Convert and extend garage, including changing roof to pitched, to provide enlarged kitchen:
32 London Road, Andover, Hampshire
Observation: Objection
Comment:  - It is not clear from the application and the diagrams whether there are sufficient parking spaces once the garage is lost.

6.6 – 19/02770/LBWN – 28.04.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (MILLWAY)
Replace defective guttering:
The Cloisters, Junction Road, Andover
Observation: No objection
Comment: The guttering needs to be in keeping with listed building

6.7 - 20/00775/OBLN - 22.04.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (DOWNLANDS)
Modification of planning obligation on TVN.09275 - To vary mortgagee exemption clause in section 106 agreement:
Land at Picket Twenty, Picket Twenty, Andover, Hampshire
Observation: No objection

6.8 - 20/00838/TPON - 20.04.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (DOWNLANDS)
Beech Tree (T1) - Crown raise neighbours side by 4m above roof of swimming pool house and reduce top of canopy over roof by 2m making sure the tree is stable and well balanced:
Applecross, 5A Walworth Road, Picket Piece, SP11 6LU
Observation: No objection

6.9 - 20/00783/FULLN -20.04.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (HARROWAY)
Erection of a shed (retrospective):
14 Rune Drive, Andover, SP10 4NH
Observation: No objection

7.0 - 20/00842/FULLN - 21.04.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (HARROWAY)
Insert 2 windows:
Valhalla, 75 Charlton Road, Andover, SP10 3XB
Observation: No objection
Comment: It is noted that there are objections from a neighbouring property. The position of the new proposed windows must be carefully considered.

7.1 - 20/00861/FULLN - 24.04.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (HARROWAY)
Additional external plant and associated plant enclosure:
278 Weyhill Road, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 3LS
Observation: Objection
Comment: The new location of the plant area and bin store will bring it closer to the residential property next door. This may possibly cause a detrimental impact of noise.

7.2 - 20/00840/CLPN - 20.04.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (ROMANS)
Certificate of proposed lawful development for a loft conversion to include side dormer with 2 bedrooms:
2 Tapestry Road, Andover, SP11 6WT
Observation: Objection
Comment: The parking arrangements for this development are unclear. It appears that there is insufficient parking for 6-bedroom house.

7.3 - 20/00858/FULLN – 22.04.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (WINTON)
First floor side extension and single storey rear extension, to provide additional living space and accommodation:
3 Little Orchard Court, Winchester Road, Andover, SP10 2NY
Observation: No objection


7.4 - 20/00848/PDHN - 22.04.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (MILLWAY)
Notification of proposed works to a dwelling - Single storey rear extension (length from rear wall of original dwelling house 5.5m, height 3m, height to eaves 3m):
4 Jenson Gardens, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 3UA

ADDITIONAL NOTE: It was noted in the Members Information List 15, that the following Planning Application was REFUSED:
19/02598/FULLN - Two storey rear extension to provide kitchen/living area with two bedrooms over - 21 Ferndale Road, Andover, SP10 3HQ

The next Planning observations will be sent by Wednesday 27 May 2020.