The Opening of Andover Food Bank Extension.
On the 12 October 2018, Andover Town Mayor, Cllr Barbara Long was invited to the opening of the Food Bank’s well needed extension at their Andover Branch.
Councillor Barbara Long was very honoured to be at the grand opening of the Food Bank’s well needed extension and joined, The Hon. ME Thistlewayte Esq High Sheriff of Hampshire, Councillor Ian Carr, Test Valley Mayor & his Consort Mrs Carr, Borough Councillor Sandra Hawke, Borough Councillor Chris Lynn and all the wonderful volunteers, supporters and agencies involved in this life changing organisation.
It was very clear that everyone in attendance, shared the same vision and were all very passionate about their involvement with the Charity, whether this was a volunteer on the front line or a fellow partnering charity grateful for the support the Food Bank is giving to their clients.
After a chance to meet and chat with fellow guests, Chairman, Jamie Symington gave a heartfelt speech of the importance of the extension and thanked all of those involved in making it a reality by either donating financially or giving their time to help build the extension.
Jamie was joined by Angela Kemp from Citizens Advice Bureau, Test Valley who also thanked everyone but more importantly highlighted how the 2 charities worked so closely together and the great work both are able to achieve as a result of their partnership.
Angela then did a wonderful job of cutting the cake, to which everyone did a sterling job of eating said cake!!
Although, sad that the Food Bank is needed in this day and age, it was very clear everyone involved all worked together and achieved outstanding results for their clients and long may this continue.
For more information on this story or to get find out more or get involved with Andover Food Bank please follow this link:-