Actions Taken by the Town Council

Date: 25th March, 2020

During this time of uncertainty, change and challenge the Town Council is working to ensure that we assist in any way we can to keep the people of Andover safe while continuing to deliver our services and functions.

Following the latest Central Government advice, the Town Council has put in place measures to ensure that the Council can continue to operate efficiently.
• We have the equipment, systems and technology in place to allow Officers to work remotely and as of Wednesday 18 March 2020 they have been doing this.
• We can process all necessary documentation whilst following our usual processes and control in compliance with data security and confidentiality.
• We receive most of our communications electronically and recommend that you continue to use email to contact the relevant officers:
Committee Services & GDPR:
General Information and advice:
Town Clerk:
• If you do need to speak to us, we are operating a reduced phone service, which will be managed by our officers, which will be answered between 10am and 1pm every day. Please leave a message at other times and it will be followed up as soon as possible. The phone number for each Officer are as follows:
Allotment Officer 1 : 07768089592
Allotment Officer 2: 07388731793
Committee Officer: 07388616002
Town Clerk: 07748752804
Any questions which you are unsure where to direct, please contact our Reception on: 07393023051
• In addition to email and telephone contact we will be offering scheduled ‘meetings’ via video conferencing. Please contact us via email to set this up should you require it.
• Although all Officers of the Town Council are working from home they will only be working during normal office hours, 9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday and 9am to 4.30pm on Fridays. Please respect this and do not expect them to answer queries outside these hours.

As the COVID-19 situation evolves it will present significant challenges and changes to our normal working practices and service delivery. The Town Council is here for the people of Andover and we are here to help in any way that we can.
During this unprecedented time ALL Council meetings have been cancelled. This disrupts our normal decision making process. Therefore the Town Clerk, as our Responsible Officer will be making essential decisions and ensuring that the Town Council can continue to operate.
We have prepared a schedule of delegation for the Town Clerk during this time and this can be found on our website.
We will update our website regularly with as much information as we can.
This situation is nothing like the United Kingdom has ever faced before. Therefore information and advice that we provide is based on good practice and Central Government Guidance.
As things change, we will update accordingly.