Planning Observations 26 May 2020

Date: 26th May, 2020

Due to the extraordinary measures being taken during the Coronavirus outbreak, the Town Clerk has delegated authority to make observations on Planning Applications on behalf of the Andover Town Council, which will be sent to the Planning Authority (Test Valley Borough Council) within the statutory time limits.

OB 04/19 Planning Application Observations
Test Valley Borough Council weekly Lists of 18, 19 & 20 were considered and the following observations were made.

6.1 – 20/00933/VARN – 04.05.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (ST MARYS)
Variation of condition 04 of 16/00960/VARN to extend permitted delivery hours and re-wording of condition to “No deliveries shall be taken at or dispatched from the site, outside the hours of 0700 and 2400 Monday to Saturday and 0800 to 2000 on Sundays, Bank or Public Holidays”:
Lidl Great Britain Ltd, Western Avenue, Andover
Observation: Objection:
Comment: The extended delivery hours will be detrimental to the living space of nearby residential properties. Mention is only made to Portland Grove which the report suggests would be shielded by the Lidl building and fences. No mention is made of the retirement flats or the Chantry Lodge, which is a taller building and would not be shielded as much. Concerns also that the bus station traffic between 2200-2400 would not cover up the noise of delivery HGVs. Noise assessment levels indicate that increased noise would be within acceptable levels, however, the extra hours would still have a detrimental effect on residents.

6.2 – 20/00939/FULLN – 05.05.2020 – ANDOVER TOWN (MILLWAY)
Single storey extension to extend and re-configure internal layout; extended raised terrace to rear and new boundary fence:
22 Cross Lane, Andover, SP10 3JE
Observation: No objection

6.3 - 20/00852/FULLN - 27.04.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (HARROWAY)
Erection of hobby room, and replace shed:
1 Rune Drive, Andover, SP10 4NH
Observation: No objection

6.4 - 20/00887/FULLN - 28.04.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (ROMANS)
Construct earth bund along the southern boundary 2.4m in height:
Land Adjacent Railway, Within Secondary School Site at East Anton, Andover, Hampshire
Observation: Objection
Comment: The bund is very steep and it is not clear if this extends behind the proposed allotments or if there is no bund at this point of the development. Clarification is required whether there is a bund alongside the allotments and the landscape at this point.

6.5 - 20/00944/FULLN – 06.05.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (MILLWAY)
Retention of glazed rear canopy and boundary fences, upgrade and repair work to garden building to include infilling original covered terrace area, SW cladding to walls, flat roof covering and installation of glazed lantern to roof to form garden room (retrospective):
24 Cross Lane, Andover, SP10 3JE
Observation: No objection

6.6 - 20/00955/TPON – 11.05.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (ST MARYS)
Tree works as per submitted schedule:
5 Tyrells Croft, Andover, SP10 2PD
Observation: No objection
Comment: the applicant has not provided the asked for photos showing where the trees are going to be cut.

6.7 - 20/00965/TPON – 11.05.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (MILLWAY)
1 No Robinia - Crown reduce by up to 2 metres and crown lift as indicated on photograph:
Albany House, 29 The Avenue, Andover
Observation: No objection

6.8 – 20/01013/FULLN - 18.05.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (MILLWAY)
Erection of single storey extension following demolition of existing conservatory:
3 Ash Tree Road, Andover, SP10 3BY
Observation: No objection

6.9 - 20/00867/FULLN – 18.05.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (ROMANS)
Installation of swales, bunds, bollards and knee rail fencing:
Landscape Area I (East Anton) Off, Smannell Road, Andover
Observation: No objection

7.0 - 20/00499/FULLN – 05.05.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (MILLWAY)
Erection of industrial/warehouse facility (Use Class B2/B8) with ancillary office, landscaping, parking and associated works:
Plot 3 Andover Business Park, Pioneer Road, Andover, SP11 8BF
Observation: No objection

7.1 - 20/01065/ADVN – 21.05.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (WINTON)
Non-illuminated sign to express our thanks to the NHS and other key workers:
Alan Child House, Borden Gates, Andover
Observation: No objection

7.3 - 20/00910/FULLN – 22.05.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (ROMANS)
Single storey rear extensions to provide dining room and utility; also glass canopy to rear of new dining room:
34 Woolwich Way, Andover, Hampshire
Observation: No objection


7.0 - 20/00962/PDHN - 07.05.2020 - ANDOVER TOWN (MILLWAY)
Notification of proposed works to a dwelling - Single storey rear extension (length from rear wall of original dwelling house (6 metres, height 2.80 metres, height to eaves 2.35 metres):
95 The Crescent, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 3BJ

ADDITIONAL NOTE: It was noted in the Members Information List 18, that the following Planning Application was REFUSED:
20/00560/FULLN - Remove existing single storey extensions and chimney, erection of 2 storey side extension, convert loft space and insert 2 dormers and 3 velux, remove existing porch and existing conservatory, and replace with single storey front extension and single storey rear extension with balcony over. - Windermere, Ox Drove, Picket Piece.

Also, it was noted in the Members Information List 20, that the following Planning Application was WITHDRAWN:
20/00732/FULLN - Land use to change from amenity to residential, erection of single storey wooden building and creation of vehicular access with hard standing and reinforcement mesh -
Land Between Mount Pleasant (12) And Hebron (10), London Road, Andover.


The next Planning observations will be sent by Tuesday 16 June 2020.