Andover Summit - Working Groups to meet

Date: 20th February, 2013

At the end of 2012, the Andover Summit was held with interested Stake Holders to find a way to revitalise the Town Centre of Andover. Five working groups were set up to progress the six priorities identified for action; parking, signage, high street events, environmental improvements, reviewing planning controls, town centre management including identifying Andover’s unique quality.

The five working groups will be meeting over the coming weeks with a target to report back to the Andover Town Centre Project Board by 8 April. Their first task will be to look at the priorities identified at the Summit and begin a programme of work to investigate how these can be developed.
As part of the discussions to establish the working groups it was decided to amalgamate the parking and signage topics into one group hence there are now five rather than the original six task and finish groups.

Councillor Ian Carr, Leader of the Council said: “To encourage involvement from the wide group of interested parties represented at the Summit, all who attended were invited to nominate themselves to sit on the working groups. Although responses were not as forthcoming as was hoped, I am pleased that all of the groups have now been established. Each group currently has at least one member of the local business community with representatives from Andover Town Council, and councillors and officers from Test Valley Borough Council. Hampshire County Council is also represented where appropriate. However, it is not too late for other businesses to get involved in this important issue and I would encourage them to step forward”.
“I also welcome the £2.9 million investment in the redevelopment of Andover Bus Station getting the green light from the Hampshire County Council as this fits well with the aspirations of the Andover Summit to revitalise the town.”